cloud ERP systems
At the time when everything’s going on cloud ERP systems, there may be many questions around this new phenomenon, which happens to be the latest trend.
Especially when it comes to crucial systems like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), which hold the core business operations and data, it becomes all the more important to understand the significance of cloud technology in the context of these systems. Off late, several tempting offers in cloud ERP systems are being made in the market place with more and more convincing facts and factors.
- What is Cloud ERP system?
Simply put, cloud ERP systems is the ERP solution offered using cloud technology. The next obvious question would be what is cloud technology? Again, the simple answer is, it is a methodology in which any software solution is offered to the end users through internet.
With that said, it gives an obvious hint that, in such a scenario, where software solutions are offered via Internet, the necessity for IT infrastructure and maintenance almost becomes nil. And yes, that’s exactly the first advantage of shifting to cloud technology, and in the context of the article, to cloud ERP systems.
- Why Cloud ERP systems?
One may be happy with his existing ERP solution, which is handling the gigantic cores of his business, very well, and may wonder why cloud ERP when the in-house ERP solution is doing a good job? Here are some answers to this very basic question:
Cloud ERP systems helps the companies reduce capital costs. By shifting to Cloud ERP, the enterprises no more need to invest on the hardware to store their ERP solution.
The shift also reduces the operational costs dramatically, including the cost incurred for IT Support and server maintenance.
The ease with which scalability can be achieved by using cloud ERP systems is amazing. With cloud ERP systems in place, one can easily adjust applications and users, up or down, as per the dynamic business needs.
There is also the opportunity to try and test the application modules, before rolling them out to the group usage, reducing the training costs.
It may come as a surprise, but the infrastructure of cloud ERP systems offers better security to the much confidential enterprise data, in comparison to the in-house ERP.
As the cloud providers are some of the proven names in the domain, they possess better expertise in data security in comparison to the in-house IT department.
Cloud ERP systems is possibly the best choice for the small businesses; because cloud ERP systems offers the flexibility to expand it, in-tune with the company developments.
Since the cloud ERP systems option will not include any capital investment and no IT overhead, the enterprises can easily test the feasibility. And can switch to better solutions, as per the changing business needs.
One of the best features of cloud ERP systems is it is green and it is employee friendly. The employees can now peacefully work from home, as efficiently as they do at office, through the usage of Internet. This saves on many precious resources like time and fuel.
What are the best cloud ERP systems for small businesses? The above stated are just the crème of the abundant valid reasons for one’s shift to cloud ERP systems.
And once, one understands the benefits and considers looking for the best options available in cloud ERP. Visit for more info: